
The way to finding happiness

1. "Making comparisons" can spoil your happiness

2. A lot of people think happiness means "richer" or "more important"

3. Many people only see happines in the "future"

4. Happiness could be  the freedom to love more than one woman at the same time

5. Sometimes happiness is not knowing the whole STORY

6. Avoiding unhappiness is not the road to happiness

7. Does this person bring you predominantly 1)up  or 2) down ?

8. Happiness is answering your call

9. Happiness is being loved for who you are.

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11. Feat is an impediment to happpiness

12. Happiness is feeling completely alive

13. Happiness is knowing how to celebrate

14. Listening is loving

15. Nostalgia is not what it used to be.

快樂, 不是金錢的多少可以衡量, 而是心裡的感受

是否快樂, 只有自已知道,

    movie Are you happiness?

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